尊敬的***:非常抱歉这么久了才和您联系,您在我们公司购买的商品订单我们已受理。并且我们已经收到你的转账并正在积极采购中,您的订单将于2-3翻訳 - 尊敬的***:非常抱歉这么久了才和您联系,您在我们公司购买的商品订单我们已受理。并且我们已经收到你的转账并正在积极采购中,您的订单将于2-3英語言う方法


ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear ***:Sorry took so long to contact you, you in the purchase of our merchandise order has been accepted. And we have received your transfer and are actively purchasing, 2-3 working days your order will be sent, please be patient when we have shipped, we will provide you with shipping number so you can check the status of delivery of your goods, we will contact.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear ***:
very sorry for so long before they contact you, you are in our company purchased goods orders we have received. And we have received your transfer and are actively purchasing, your order will be issued within 2-3 business days, please be patient to wait, to be we shipped, then we will provide you with shipper number, easy query the status of your goods transported, when we re-contact.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Dear ***:
very sorry so long to contact you, you buy the goods in our company we have received orders. And we have received your transfer and is actively purchase, your order will within 2-3 working days issued, please patience to wait, to be shipped us, then we will to you provide waybill number, allowing you to your goods delivery status inquiry, at the appointed time to contact us again.
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