下面是检索回数的记录,连续登记的,共10分钟。为了不停机,我们检索回数的最大综合次数已经改到了30,但是还是有很多超过30的。下面表格中31翻訳 - 下面是检索回数的记录,连续登记的,共10分钟。为了不停机,我们检索回数的最大综合次数已经改到了30,但是还是有很多超过30的。下面表格中31英語言う方法


ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Below is to retrieve some records of continuous registration, a total of 10 minutes.In order not to stop, we retrieve the number of maximal composite number has changed back to the 30, but there are still many more than 30. 31 red numbers in the table below, expressed alarm shut down the machine.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Here is the record number retrieved back, continuous registration, a total of 10 minutes.
To stop, we retrieve the maximum number of integrated frequency has been changed back to 30, but still there are a lot more than 30 in. 31 red numbers in the table below, have expressed alarm and stop the machine.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The following is the number of records retrieved, continuous registration, a total of 10 minutes. In order not to stop, we retrieved the maximum number of times the number has been changed to 30, but there are still a lot more than 30 of the. The red number 31 in the table below indicates that the machine has stopped the alarm.
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