148.10 .(a)にperson whoはwillfully resists aぴーすofficer inthe discharge or attempt to discharge ANYられるオブhis or herオフィスor employment and whose willful resistance proximately causesデスor serious bodily injury to aぴーすofficer shallbepunished byimprisonment pursuant to subdivision(h)オブSection 1170ためツー、スリー、or four years、or by a fineオブないless than thousand込むdollars($ 1、000)or口than ten thousand dollars($ 10、000)or bybothよりfine and imprisonment、or by imprisonment in a county jailため口thanないとyear、or by a fineオブない口than込むthousand dollars($ 1、000)or by bothよりimprisonment fine and。(b)For purposesオブsubdivision(a)、the following facts shallベfound by the trierオブfact:(1)That theぴーすofficer ' sアクションそれはreasonable拠点をon thefacts or circumstances confronting the officer at the time。(2)That the detention and arrestそれはlawful and there existedprobable cause or reasonable cause to detain。(3)That the person whoはwillfully resisted ANY officer knewぴーすor reasonablyなるはずotherそれより右料the person aぴーすofficer engaged in the performanceオブhis or her duties。(c)This section doesないapply to conductよりoccurs duringlabor picketing、demonstrations、or disturbing theぴーす。(d)For purposesオブインフレsection、「serious bodily injury」isdefined in paragraph(4)オブsubdivision(f)Section 243 .オブ