感谢您上次的拜访,我们对于您介绍的CCD印刷机比较感兴趣,想请教您贵司现有几款CCD印刷机的详细情况,如果价格和功能都合适,我们会下单购买!翻訳 - 感谢您上次的拜访,我们对于您介绍的CCD印刷机比较感兴趣,想请教您贵司现有几款CCD印刷机的详细情况,如果价格和功能都合适,我们会下单购买!英語言う方法





ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Thank you for your last visit, we are interested in the CCD press for you, would like to ask you your existing details several of the CCD press, if price and features are right, we will place an order to buy!1, more detailed features of commodities-you list above are Japanese, do not understand Ah ~2, price and delivery and mode of delivery3, does the company have an Office in China? Whether prototyping allows us to test?
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Thank you for your last visit, we compared the press interested CCD introduce you, your company would like to ask you the details of several CCD existing presses, if the price and functionality are appropriate, we will place orders to buy! 1, a more detailed description of the function - you give the catalog above is Japanese, not read ah ~ 2, price and delivery as well as delivery 3, if your company has offices in China? Is there a prototype allows us to test?

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Thank you for your last visit, we introduce you to the CCD printing machine is more interested, would like to ask you your company's existing several CCD printing machine details, if the price and function are appropriate, we will order to buy!1, a more detailed introduction of the function - you give the product catalog above is Japanese, do not understand ah ~ ~2, price and delivery time and delivery methods3, does your company have an office in China? Is there a prototype that allows us to test?
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