刘SAN: 建议让日本技术人员住在客户厂里招待房间:三个理由:1、 客户附件酒店(开车30分钟距离),环境较差,不如客户招待房间2、 环境较翻訳 - 刘SAN: 建议让日本技术人员住在客户厂里招待房间:三个理由:1、 客户附件酒店(开车30分钟距离),环境较差,不如客户招待房间2、 环境较英語言う方法

刘SAN: 建议让日本技术人员住在客户厂里招待房间:三个理由:1、 客

1、 客户附件酒店(开车30分钟距离),环境较差,不如客户招待房间
2、 环境较好酒店,离客户太远(估计最少要1个小时车程)
3、 离客户较远的酒店,安全性较低
以上 请知悉 请翻译
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
SAN Liu: Recommended that Japan technical live customer hospitality room in the factory: for three reasons:Annex 1, customers (30 minutes away by car), the environment is worse than customer room2, good hotel, far away from the customer (estimated at least 1 hour by car)Hotels 3, further away from the customer, less securePlease note above please translate
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Liu SAN:
technicians recommend the Japanese factory entertain customers living in the room: three reasons:
1, the customer attachment hotel (30 minutes away by car), the environment is poor, as customer hospitality room
2, the environment is better hotel, away from the customers too Far (estimated to be at least one hour's drive)
3, far away from the hotel customers, less secure
than please know please translate
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Liu SAN:
suggest that Japan's technical staff to live in the factory customer reception room: three reasons:
1, customer attachment Hotel (drive 30 minutes distance), poor environment, as the customer reception room
2, the environment better hotel, too far away from the client (estimated at least 1 hours),
3 far from the hotel customers, low security above please note please translate

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